Before approaching investors, you better ensure that your business concept, financial plan, and marketing strategy make perfect sense - and presented professionally.
With our investor readiness audit, you can share your pitch with up to 45 expert reviewers of your choice, including active angel investors, startup advisors, and venture capitalists. They will rate and comment on 20 aspects of your presentation, summarizing all feedback in a comprehensive analytical report.
This audit is recommended for startups to:
Prepare for a successful fundraising round
Avoid becoming ridiculous in front of real investors
Maximize your chances of securing investment
Getting an expert opinion about fundraising materials
The 4-section audit covers the following key elements of a successful pitch:
Business concept qualities
Financial plan
Marketing strategy
Team & management
In each section, 5 items are analyzed. In total, your report will include the evaluation of 20 key points of your fundraising pitch.
Each section includes the following insights:
Score ratings from reviewers
Comments and feedback from reviewers
Straight answers if the concept is convincing, or not
What do you need to do to start the audit?
Upload your presentation to Google Drive or OneDrive and share the link that is accessible for reviewers.
Delivery options:
Standard delivery time: 14 business days (or less)
Delivery method: email
Payment method: any credit or debit card
Any questions? Message us or arrange a call.
We welcome any questions before placing your order.
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Link to your presentation (Google Docs, OneDrive, etc) *
Email for report delivery *
Who should review your presentation?
Select all that apply
5 angel investors
+ 10 angel investors (+ $100.00)
+ 10 investment consultants (+ $150.00)
+ 10 VC investors (+ $200.00)
+ 10 high-profile investors (+ $250.00)
Your line of business
Select all that apply
Cars and vehicles (+ $150.00)
Travel (+ $100.00)
Fintech (+ $150.00)
Hotels and resorts (+ $100.00)
Fashion (+ $50.00)
Technology (+ $50.00)
E-commerce (+ $50.00)
Community / social (+ $50.00)
Health & wellbeing (+ $50.00)
Personal brand
Professional services
Fundraising round
Select all that apply
First time investment
Series A (+ $50.00)
Series B (+ $100.00)
Series C (+ $150.00)
Express report delivery
Select all that apply
Within 7 days (+ $75.00)
Within 3 days (+ $150.00)
Personalized suggestions for improvement
Select all that apply
Yes, please (+ $100.00)
No, thanks