I bet you know your strategy through and through. But have you taken a look at what your competitors are doing?
The real secret to your success is combining those two knowledge sources — your strategy and that of your competitors.
This is a concept called competitive benchmarking.
You need to know how you compare to your competitors.
Where do you stand within the market? How do you stack up? Can you identify gaps and similarities? How should you adjust your strategy?
This is how I recommend gathering your competitive intelligence data:
Monitor your competitive landscape
Pick up on small signals (breadcrumbs) to gain insight into what your competition's next major move might be.
Look for relative changes in investment.
Take a look at the patents they've recently filed.
Develop a hive of actionable data, insights, and analytics
Where are they making investments?
What positions are they hiring for?
Is there anything noteworthy in the news?
Break into untapped opportunities
Insert your own idea into the analysis.
Identify where you can crush the competition and where there is room for you to break into untapped opportunities.
Master your competitive environment and lead the charge in new areas within your market.
Fill in the gaps in the market and gain a competitive edge.
Make sure your competitive analysis is actionable
To get the most out of your efforts, make sure you're turning insights into action.
Make data-driven decisions from intel from 50+M sources.
It's not only about what your competitors are doing, it's about how you compare to your competitors, and how you can turn your insights into action to best serve your market.
Remember, benchmarking is not only about what your competitors are doing, it's about how you compare to them and how you can turn insights into action to best serve your market.
Use iSearch.ai to make confident progress without being stuck in an overly complex and rigid process.
See you there!
— D.